‘All other ground is sinking sand’ without Him
Published 1:23 pm Friday, March 18, 2016
Oh, how great is Your goodness,
Which You have laid up for those who fear You,
Which You have prepared for those who trust in You
In the presence of the sons of men!
Psalm 31:19
The way our economy of the United States is configured is mostly based upon evaluations and speculation. The strength of financial valuation in large part is subject to the consumer’s trust and security to invest. This fuels our stock market where projections of gain and loss are a tradable commodity.
It stands to reason then that it’s important for consumers to be confident in the strength of the producers, and to feel secure in general. Fear of the future and insecurity can and have crippled the value of our currency.
At least that’s the way I comprehend such a complex system.
Couple that with a democratic governmental system and the truth is that our nation’s strength is based on humanity’s trust in strong capable men.
Strong men and women established a strong foundation in America. However, even those men knew that it wasn’t men who” made America great.” Our founding fathers might not have agreed theologically, but it’s hard to read the documents that were produced to govern the newly founded nation and not see that their trust was not in their strength but in God.
Maybe because of the magnitude of the task at hand, probably because of their understanding of their own insufficiencies, our founders recognized rights and life are given by God, not government.
The psalmist David again and again renews his trust through song and declaration. You could read the psalms and honestly think David is schizophrenic or bipolar. He starts each off with praise and adoration, and somewhere along the way starts to lament his current situation, but almost without fail he remembers and renews his trust in the Lord.
I have made it a practice in my life to learn lessons from people who have lived them. I appreciate people with knowledge, but wisdom doesn’t come from theory; it is cultivated in application.
In the 31st psalm we read that fear and trust belong to the Lord.
That those who look to the greater and stronger source find that there, strength and hope are found.
The source from which we trust and invest is the source from which we draw.
Be thankful that God rewards those who trust in Him with goodness, that He looked over all that He had created and said that it was good. He cannot create anything that is not good and good by His measure.
Consider that God Himself called creation good when not one plant had produced fruit, not one bee had pollinated, and not one flower had bloomed.
That should encourage us today, that even if we can’t see the results yet, if anything in our life has its source and strength from God, it is good, and good by His measurement.
Not only that, but the psalmist has learned that great is that goodness. That the reward for trusting and revering God is in measure and quality a great measure of God’s good influence and activity.
If a nation rises and falls on trust and fear, then let us trust and fear God. He is Almighty and unfailing; there is no speculation in Him, no wavering no fear of loss, and no lack of resource. Those who have experienced such, prove to us through their experience, that such is the way of leadership and strength.
As a people and a nation let our refrain be “on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
David Malcom is the pastor of Trinity Gospel Church. He can be contacted at davidmalcom75@gmail.com.