Law enforcement, SVCC partner for active shooter training
Published 11:58 am Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Numerous law enforcement agencies across the nation have taken extra steps to standardize their first responders’ reaction to active shooter incidents through their agencies and academies. A two-day training session was held recently for preparedness in such an event on the John H. Daniel Campus of Southside Virginia Community College, organized by Lunenburg County Sheriff Arthur Townsend, according to a recent SVCC press release.
“Virginia was among the first to implement a statewide plan. In 2007, The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services partnered with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to develop and deliver an aggressive state-wide response and prevention model,” the release stated.
“This model will allow Virginia’s law enforcement officers to respond, prevent and/or mitigate an active shooter incident implementing ALERRT’s pivotal uniform response standards. It is critical to the safety of the public as well as the safe and efficient mitigation of active shooters for all responding agencies to be trained to the same set of standards and tactics. This consistent and proven partnership is and has proven vital to officer survivability and public safety.”
Those participating in the training included: Lunenburg County Sheriff’s Department, Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department, Nottoway County Sheriff’s Department, Victoria Police Department, Kenbridge Police Department, Virginia State Police and included observation by a member of the administration of Southside Virginia Community College.
The participants of this training received an overview of the Active Shooter Level I course. The module covered all administrative requirements including registration, waivers and training rosters.
The course was designed to prepare the first responder to isolate, distract and neutralize an active shooter. The course curriculum includes weapon manipulation, threshold evaluation, concepts and principles of team movement (including solo officer strategies), setting up for room entry and room entry techniques, approach and breaching the crisis site, follow-on responder tactics, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and post-engagement priorities of work.
The course culminated with dynamic “force-on-force” scenarios. Also included was a post test to assess participant’s base knowledge of the course material.
“SVCC was very appreciative of the time and effort expended by Townsend seeking grant funding for this project, organizing the training and communicating with surrounding agencies inviting participation,” the release stated.