Amateur radio club to meet
Published 9:37 am Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Calling all hams to the monthly meeting of the Charlotte County Amateur Radio Club (CCARC). Meetings are held monthly on the first Saturday of each month to train, plan activities, and socialize. The next meeting will be on Saturday, Dec. 2 at 10 a.m. in the Keysville Library.
Radio Amateurs of all ages and levels of experience are welcome to participate in the local activities of CCARC. In addition to a monthly meeting, plans include hosting a two-meter net meeting each week.
It is not required to be a licensed amateur radio operator to attend club meetings.
Amateur Radio operators (Hams) use two-way radio stations from their homes, cars, boats, RVs and outdoors to make hundreds of friends around town and around the world. They communicate with each other using voice, computers, and Morse code. Some hams bounce their signals off the upper regions of the atmosphere so they can talk with hams on the other side of the world. Other hams use satellites. Many use hand-held radios that fit in their pockets. Special events include the annual Field Day, Hamfests, Emergency Preparedness Drills and contests.
No license? No problem. Our next entry-level course begins soon. Interested in trying but afraid that you cannot learn Morse code? Recent changes in licensing laws have opened large areas of the spectrum to operators who do not use code. Most new amateur operators start at the Technician Class and then move up to the General Class or Amateur Extra Class operator license as they are ready. For more information, please contact Dan, K5KHZ at (434) 808-0678.