Published 9:47 am Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Happy birthday wishes to Albert Skipper, Jan. 3, Keysville; John E. Mosley, Feb.1, Orangeburg S.C.: Kylan McCargo, Feb.1, South Boston; Junior Gee, Jr., Feb. 1, Farmville; Josephine Bruce Nesby, Feb. 2, Georgia; Ricky Pugh, Feb.2, Charlotte Court House; Markell Pugh, Feb. 3, Augusta ,Ga.; Ebonia Shaliai Freeman, Feb. 4, Farmville. You have another 365 days of your life waiting to give you a roller coaster ride to take you from one destination of happiness to another. Have a great Birthday. Happy birthday!

Get well wishes to all of the sick and shut in. I hope you are well soon, up and about. You are in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Get well soon.

Sympathy to all of the families who lost a loved one recently. Our heartfelt prayers and good wishes go out to all of you in your time of need. Sympathy to the family of Kenneth Brown of Saxe you have our deepest sympathy in your time of need. May God’s love comfort and heal your broken heart.

Thought for the week: Realize how blessed you are.


It is the most wonder feeling in the world knowing you are loved and wanted. I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

People can sometimes hurt your feelings. Let them know how they made you feel. They won’t know unless you say something. They say they are sorry and may not be, but still you said something and if they do it again you know how to handle them when you see them again.

The Bible says do unto others as you will have done to you. Treat someone like you want to be treated. The greatest feeling in the world is to have love in your heart. It will make you feel so good.

News is due by noon Friday. Any news received after this time will not be included in this column. News can be submitted by calling (434) 568-0596. Leave a message.

Virginia Freeman is a community columnist for The Charlotte Gazette. She can be reached at