Published 10:51 am Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Birthday wishes to Whitney Friend, May 2, Drakes Branch; Ryan Osborne, May 3, Saxe; Wilbert Pugh, May 3, Charlotte Court House; Debra Johnson, May 4, Charlotte Court House; Malich Gamble, May 6, Charlotte Court House; Clyde Clark, May 7, Phenix; Keith Jones Jr., Randolph. I wish each of you many more happy birthdays. Happy birthday!
Get well wishes to all of the sick and shut in. I hope you are well soon, up and about. You are in our prayers for a quick recovery.
Sympathy to all of the families who lost a loved one recently. Our heartfelt prayers and good wishes go out to all of you in your time of need. You have our deepest sympathy.
Thought for the week: Stop stressing, everything will be OK. Let go, let God fix it for you.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of obstacle’s. I count him or her braver who overcomes his or her desires than he who conquers his or her enemies, for the hardest victory is over self. I truly believe that we can overcome any hurdle that lies before us and create the life we want to live. I have seen it happen time and time again.
News is due by noon Friday. Any news received after this time will not be included in this column. News can be submitted by calling (434) 568-0596. Leave a message.
Virginia Freeman is a community columnist for The Charlotte Gazette. She can be reached at