Published 9:26 am Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Happy birthday wishes to Virginia Dailey, Sept. 19, Randolph; Donald ‘DJ’ Freeman, Sept. 19, Farmville; Jasmin Clarke, Sept. 19, New Jersey; James Pridgen, Sept. 20, Drakes Branch; Reece Toombs, Sept. 20, Randolph; Ta’Quaysha Walker, Sept .21, Drakes Branch; Pat Nichols, Sept. 22, Randolph; Marquise Armstrong, Sept. 22, Keysville; Denise Pridgen, Sept. 22, Drakes Branch; David Duffey, Sept. 23; Bessie Mitchell, Sept. 24, Scottsburg; Kathy Brogdon, Sept. 25, Nathalie; Dominque Foster, Sept. 25, Pamplin; Shania Armstrong, Sept. 26, Keysville; Junior Mosley, Sept. 26, Randolph; Leah Snead Hurt, Sept. 26, Richmond; Jackie Vaughters Fields, Sept. 26, Richmond; Jackie McCargo, Sept. 26, Drakes Branch; Cindy Nichols, Sept. 27, Randolph; Louise Brogdon, Sept. 27, Philadelphia; Russell Dailey, Sept. 27, Saxe; Senessa Reed, Sept. 28, Charlotte Court House; Harold Banks, Sept. 28, Drakes Branch; Tanya Webb, Sept. 28, Keysville; Cartrelle Farrar, Sept. 29, Chase City; Lavar Jennings, Sept. 30, North Carolina; Zack Daniel, Oct. 1, Randolph; Aurgrey Tuck, Oct. 1, Keysville; Susie Randle, Oct .2, Washington, D.C. I wish all of you many more happy birthdays to come. Happy birthday!

Get well wishes to all of the sick and shut-in. I hope all of you are well soon, up and about. You are in our prayers and thoughts.

Sympathy to all of the families who lost a loved one recently. Our heartfelt prayers and good wishes go out to all of you in your time of need. You all have our deepest sympathy. Sympathy to the families of Ora Harris of Scuffletown and families of Milton Daliey of Randolph. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anniversary wishes to Ruth and David Walker Sr., Oct.28, Charlotte Court House, 27 years. I wish you many more happy years together with God’s Blessings.

Thought for the week: Miracles do happen when we don’t expect them to. When miracles happen in your life, you don’t forget. Has there ever been a time in your life when you wanted something to happen for you so bad and it did? That was your miracle.


Everything starts as somebody’s daydream. A vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Thought is the labor of the intellect and reverie is its pleasure.

Sometimes you can be daydreaming while a person is talking to you and you can’t hear them talking. That’s daydreaming. Your mind can be a thousand miles away and when someone keeps calling, you snap out of it.

We all daydream. Our minds have a tendency to wander off sometimes. We just have a lot on our minds and daydream. There is nothing wrong with daydreaming. It gives our minds a chance to relax.

I hope everyone made it safely through the storms!

Singing Stars Gospel Singers from Saxe will be celebrating their 28th anniversary Oct. 28, at Central Middle School in Charlotte Court House. There is a donation at the door.

News is due by noon Friday. Any news received after this time will not be included in this column. News can be submitted by calling (434) 568-0596.

Virginia Freeman is a community columnist for The Charlotte Gazette. She can be reached at