Simple but powerful

Published 6:44 pm Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I have two simple things to share with you this week, and neither one is really
from me. They honor the wise and innocent; you know who you are:
J – Jesus
O – Others
Y – Yourself
The 5 finger prayer
THUMB: Those closest to you, your family.
POINTER: Those that point you in the right direction
(teachers, doctors, pastors) ask for wisdom and support.
MIDDLE: (The tallest one) Those that lead us (govern
us) ask for guidance and wisdom for them.
RING: (weakest) Those who are weak, in trouble, sick
or in pain. We cannot pray too much for them.
PINKIE: (smallest) Our prayers for ourselves and our
Tim Beck is pastor of Kenbridge United Methodist Church. His email address