Make the most of the dash

Published 2:24 pm Friday, January 10, 2020

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I recently saw a social media post that read, “Your life is made of two dates and a dash. Make the most of the dash.”

How very true and in keeping with the new year’s resolution theme that is still fresh on a lot of minds making the most of out of the life we are given is important.

Here are several ways to make the most out of life:

Stop comparing yourself to others —social media has got us into the habit of comparing ourselves to those we see on social media sites. Remember, everything you see is not always as it appears, and there is only one you and no one else like you. How boring would life be if we were all alike?

Learn to enjoy who you are and all your unique qualities and talents and stop worrying about other people.

Live in the moment. I am such a planner that this tip is a hard one for me and one I am trying to learn to do better this year. Now planning, I feel, reduces chaos — but it can cause you to be overstressed at times.

Living in the moment and realizing we cannot control everything and just relaxing and going with the flow can be liberating.

Try something new. Use this year to try something new; whether it is learning a new skill, playing a new sport, trying new food, drink, or taking a trip somewhere you have never gone before. Doing something you have never done before can be fun and make life more enjoyable. Take time this year to step out of your comfort zone.

Ask questions. The most interesting people I’ve met have one thing in common – they ask questions – to others and themselves. Asking questions is the best way to learn not only things, but how and why people do the things they do, and think the way they think.

We, as humans, are all different and have different thoughts and opinions on things. Take the time to get to really know someone this year.

And as always — be kind, be grateful.

Crystal Vandegrift is a staff reporter for The Charlotte Gazette and Farmville Newsmedia LLC. Her email address is