His thoughts — Let’s talk about transgender politics
Published 12:00 pm Thursday, September 29, 2022
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There are any number of issues that should upset right thinking people coming out of Washington and some of those who have wormed their way into our society and many of our institutions. Once, our schools focused on the basics of education, preparing students to be productive members of society, and how to interact positively with others. It is difficult to do that in education. Some parents do so by homeschooling their children but that will only go so far. It might get a student through high school, but colleges still have a chokehold on those that want to qualify for many jobs.
While one person in two hundred people self-identifies as transgender, there is great doubt that that number is realistic. Some of those individuals may be gay or non-sexual, others are simply seeking attention or playing the system to receive the benefits that they see other minorities are receiving.
Young ladies that want to compete in girls’ sports could be dominated by males who want to contend as females. They do this knowing that often they will have an advantage when competing against females who rarely are equal in size and body mass.
Parents should be concerned with the latest fad that has been brought into the mix. Currently, thanks to the misguided leadership of then Governor Northam and his compatriots in the Virginia House and Senate, school systems have been required to give preference to those students who chose to claim themselves as transgender.
There is no question that a very few are confused about gender issues. Today’s fad is to encourage this confusion. State guidelines have led some counties’ school systems to block anyone, teacher or administrator, from telling parents what is happening on school property. Likewise, they have allowed students to choose which restroom they want to use. This led to a sexual assault in a Loudoun County school restroom.
That assault did not give anyone on the left any concern. They have continued to push the idea of using pronouns that do not reflect the gender of an individual. This has gone to the point that good teachers have chosen to leave their chosen profession. One teacher was fired when he chose to simply use the student’s name rather than the wrong pronoun.
Governor Youngkin is in the process of attempting to bring commonsense to these issues by reversing these misguided policies. His opponents who pushed these ideas are making plans to take the Governor to court to stop him from protecting our young people.
Despite the stupidity of what is happening in some schools, even greater concern is for those parents who willingly mutilate their very own children to change them from how they were born to what the parent wants them to be. They are making these decisions with claims that they know what the child should be, not what they are.
Sometimes they start by dressing them in clothes of the opposite gender. Some then start them on a regiment of drugs to offset the normal development of the young person. Others choose to have a medical doctor perform surgery to change their bodies.
Normal thinking people wonder why a doctor would take part in such actions. As is often the case, follow the money trail. Consider this: Vanderbilt opened its trans clinic in 2018. During a lecture the same year, Dr. Shayne Taylor explained how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it’s a “big money maker,” especially because the surgeries require a lot of “follow ups”.
Translated, this means big money, up to $100,000 each for doctors and medical centers. Likewise, pharmaceutical companies that sell drugs to this market are doing well financially. They sell those drugs that block the proper physical development but also the drugs that these people will require for their mental health issues this creates.
As a society, we should protect the rights of all minorities, however, this should not come at the expense and safety of 99.5% of students. We should not allow anyone in our schools to undermine the relationship between parents and their children. Likewise, medical providers should not be authorized to hinder the normal development of those under eighteen.
Frank Ruff Jr. represents Charlotte in the state Senate. His email address is Sen.Ruff@verizon.net.