Charlotte County Angels aim for heavenly World Series

Published 6:00 pm Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Charlotte County Dixie Softball Angels are in the Dixie World Series this weekend as Team Virginia for the 10U age group. The 12 girls, mostly 9- and 10-year-olds, will close out their season with the tournament.

“It’s been a good season just building up to the district tournament,” manager Brian Barton said. “Then we had a close district with Halifax. They beat us once and we beat them twice.”

Barton said this year’s team has about nine returners from last year’s all-star team. “We’ve got a pretty veteran team,” he said, setting high expectations for the World Series. “I think we’re going to compete. I look for them to win some games.”

The Angels team includes Madilynn Tatum, Aubrey Barton, Harley Nelson, Mallory Barton, Reece Toombs, Averie Barton, Kaydence Friend, JoLee Layne, Zytriah Whitehead, Marissa Lee, Emma Barton and Alyssa Gosney.

“We’ve got two good pitchers that kind of carry the load on the defense,” said Barton, speaking of Mallory Barton and JoLee “Honey” Layne.

“Offensively, I would say we were led by Kaydence Friend. She’s usually our lead-off batter, and she’s fast and she makes stuff happen on the bases. We were strong behind the plate with Emma Barton as well.”

‘We’re going undefeated this year’

Kaydence Friend, 10, said she is looking forward to having a good experience at the World Series.

“We’re going undefeated this year,” she predicted. She plays first base, catcher and pitcher but enjoys first the most.

“I get the ball a lot more than playing other positions,” she said. “I want to thank Coach Brian. He’s always been my coach, and he’s nice.”

Honey Layne, 11, said she enjoys playing pitcher and third base with the Charlotte County Angels because they have a lot of action. Her favorite part of the season was playing Halifax. “It was good competition,” she said.

Mallory Barton, 11, also enjoys pitching because “I like to strike people out,” she said. She pitches to her cousin, Emma Barton, 10, who plays catcher.

“It’s my second time (at the World Series), and it’s fun,” Emma said.

Aubrey Barton, 9, plays second base and said she enjoys striking people out.

“We’re going to be getting the win” at the World Series, she said.

Up next for Charlotte County Angels

The team’s first game in the World Series will be against Team South Carolina. That’ll be later on, in Game Four of the first round, set for Saturday, July 27.