Published 10:06 am Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Happy Birthday wishes to Saron Cook, Oct. 8, South Hill; Kayilyn Mosley, Oct. 10, South Boston; Eric Moorefield, Oct. 11, Randolph; Dianne Mc- Cargo, Oct. 12, Keysville; Darius A. Carter, Oct. 13, Keysville; Sydni Foster, Oct. 14, Las Vegas, Nevada; Bernice Alice Redd, Oct. 14, Cullen. May this day bring countless happiness, endless joy and may you live with peace and serenity. Happy birthday!

Anniversary wishes to Marvin and Blanche Vaughters, Oct. 10, Red Oak. They have a 26 year-old daughter. I wish you many more years together with God’s Blessings.

Get well wishes to all of the sick and shutin. I hope all of you are well soon, up and about. You are in our prayers and thoughts for a speedy recovery.

Sympathy to all of the families who lost a loved one recently. Our heartfelt prayers and good wishes go out to all of the families who lost a loved one. May God comfort every heart and every home in your time of need. You have our deepest sympathy.

Singing Stars Gospel Singers of Saxe will be celebrating their 28th anniversary on Oct. 28 at Central Middle School in Charlotte Court House at 3 p.m. There is a donation at the door. Everyone is welcome.

Thought for the week: You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

HEALTH To wish to be well is a part of becoming well. To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others, be a carrier.

You know all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae. It takes more than just a good-looking body, you’ve got to have the heart and soul to go with it. The first wealth is health.

My personal goals are to be happy, healthy and surrounded by loved ones. Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people. You know, true love really matters, friends really matter, family really matters, being responsible, disciplined and healthy really matters.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. Take care of your body or it will shut down. Take care of your home, or it will fall down. Take care of your automobile or it will break down. Your health is a very big part of your life, stay healthy.

News is due by noon Friday. Any news received after this time will not be included in this column. News can be submitted by calling (434) 568-0596.

Virginia Freeman is a community columnist for The Charlotte Gazette. She can be reached at vstars@pure. net.