JV Statesmen learned a lot on the hardwood

Published 11:58 am Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Randolph-Henry High School’s junior varsity (JV) boys basketball team finished the 2018-19 season just better than .500 overall, going 11-10, including 9-7 in the James River District.

The Statesmen placed fifth in the district.

However, what was most important to Randolph-Henry Head Coach Mark Heintzleman was that the members of his team developed on the floor.

“I was happy with where we ended up from where we started,” he said, “We learned a lot in regards to playing defense, and we were a close-knit group.”

Measuring the lows and the highs of the season, Heintzleman first addressed the low.

“I think the low point would have to be the stretch where we lost four straight, I believe,” he said.

This stretch came near the end of the season, extending from Jan. 23-Feb. 1. The opponents included hosts Amherst County High School, Nottoway High School and Buckingham County High School, along with visiting Prince Edward County High School.

Heintzleman said the high point of the season was the run that directly preceded the aforementioned losing streak in which the Statesmen won six out of seven games from Jan. 7-22.

The victories came against hosts Cumberland County High School, Prince Edward and Central Lunenburg High School and visiting Buckingham, Amelia and Bluestone High School.

The coach cited 6-foot-2-inch eighth-grade forward/center Russell Thompson as the team’s standout.

“He was the best player on the court every game this season, in my opinion,” Heintzleman said.

Looking to next season, the coach said, “I’m excited to see our guys that will move up to varsity help out up there …”