Published 12:34 pm Wednesday, April 24, 2019


The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Wednesday. Items must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Monday for that Wednesday’s calendar. Email events to


PINS AND NEEDLES CRAFTING GROUP, 6:30-8 p.m. at Patrick Henry Memorial Library. Free and open to the public.

SPRING CONCERT, 7:30 p.m. of The Chorale and Longwood University’s Chamber Singers and Camerata Singers, under the direction of Dr. Pamela McDermott, Director of Choral Activities at Longwood at Jarman Auditorium, 201 High St., Farmville, on the Longwood campus. Admission is free.


MONTHLY MEETING, 1 p.m. of the MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) at Riverside Café, 522 N. Main St., Farmville. All active, former and retired military officers and spouses/widows are welcome to attend. Programs pertain to military interests and issues.


TRIBUTE TO MOTHER’S, 4 p.m. at St. Michael Baptist Church in Drakes Branch for all Mother’s. Everyone is welcome to come fellowship and dine with us.

SPRING STEW, 11 a.m. at New Hope United Methodist Church, 6101 Scuffletown Road, Randolph, to benefit the church building fund and the scholarship fund. Stewmaster, James E. Tuck. A bake sale will also be held. To pre-order, call Callie at (434) 454-7418.

BENEFIT STEW, 10:30 a.m. to benefit the Charlotte Adult Learning Center. Order on-site or call and order to pickup beginning at Keysville Hardware and Farm Supply, 8837 Church Street. For pre-orders, call (434) 542-5782 (Friday only) or 736-0043 to pre-order your quart(s). Drop by and order as well.


FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAY, 11 a.m. at Gill Hill Baptist Church. Speaker will be Walter Reed from The Word n Truth Outreach Ministry, Capitol Heights, Maryland. Music will be rendered by Antioch Baptist Church male chorus. Everyone welcome. Dinner will be served.

PASTOR ANNIVERSARY, 3 p.m. at Mossingford Baptist Church for the Rev. John Craighead. The Rev. Michael Sessoms will be guest speaker. All are welcome. to attend this celebration.

USHER’S ANNIVERSARY, 3 p.m. at The Gethsemane Presbyterian Church. All are welcome.

ANNUAL HAT RALLY, 3 p.m. at Peaks Baptist Church, 1948 Peaks Road. Guest speaker will be Evangelist Lillian Johnson from Calvary Baptist Church, Pamplin.

SPRING CONCERT, 7:30 p.m. of The Chorale and Longwood University’s Chamber Singers and Camerata Singers, under the direction of Dr. Pamela McDermott, Director of Choral Activities at Longwood at Farmville United Methodist Church.


JOB SEARCH HELP, 10 a.m.-noon at Patrick Henry Memorial Library. Free and open to the public. A representative from the Region 2000 Workforce Center will be on-site.


OPENING, 10 a.m, The Charlotte County Farmer’s Market in Drakes Branch.

INTERACTIVE SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM, 6-7:30 p.m. at Central Middle School cafeteria, 250 Statesmen Drive, Charlotte Courthouse. Learn what may be hidden in your teen’s bedroom and take a closer look at drug trends, youth behavior and how to start a conversation with your teen. Free pizza will be served. Adults 18 and older. Sponsored by Piedmont Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse.


COLTON OSBORNE SCHOLARSHIP TOURNAMENT, 9 a.m. at Spurlocks Ballfield, 10 Tinker Road, Chace City. If you are interested in getting up a team call Angie (434) 470-1294 or C.J. (434) 390-1236. There will be concessions and bring a lawn chair. All proceeds go to the scholarship to be awarded to a senior at R-H and one at Bluestone. Come out for a day of fun and watch some ball.

WOMEN EMPOWERMENT, 10 a.m. at Salem Baptist Church, Red Oak. All women are welcome. Director will be first lady Octavia Allen.

3RD ANNUAL WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP CONFERENCE, 11 a.m. at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Red House. Laurietta Faulkner, first lady of the White Oak Fork Baptist Church will be the special guest along with the Women’s Ministry of her church. Light refreshments will be served.


COMMUNITY MEETING, 7 p.m. at Bacon District Firehouse. News about your County’s government, including the Budget. Hosted by Supervisor Kay Pierantoni.


VETERANS VA CLAIMS CLINIC, 9 a.m. at VFW Post, 7488 U.S. Route 15 N., Clarksville. Bring DD- 214 and any documents to support your claim. For more information, contact Jerry at (434) 374-2561 or Mark at (434) 738-7917.

MAY 12

QUARTER AUCTION, 1:30 p.m. at Bacon District Fire Department, Wylliesburg. Concessions will be available. Bring your friends and plenty of quarters for bidding.

MAY 19

SHILOH MISSIONARY SOCIETY’S WOMEN’S DAY, 2 p.m. Women of the Bible. Choose a person and notify Sister Arlene Dailey as soon as possible. Guest choir will be Voices of Christ and Shiloh Praise Dancers will perform. If not representing a woman of the Bible, wear white. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Shiloh Baptist Church, 125 Shiloh Church Road, Drakes Branch.