His thoughts — Thoughts on the news

Published 12:00 pm Friday, June 24, 2022

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When a Washington Commanders coach compared the events of Jan. 6, 2021, to the riots that followed the George Floyd death a couple of years earlier, the media took his comments out of context. The National Football League decided that his comparison was so vile that they fined him $100,000.

Never mind that the riots were far more deadly than Jan. 6. As well, private property was destroyed and looted in many cities, as was public property burned and had to be replaced. The businesses that were destroyed (some never reopened) might disagree with the NFL’s conclusion that those riots were not as bad as Jan. 6.

Some believe that the Jan. 6 attack was to overthrow our republic. They ignore the fact that more officers were hurt when rioters attacked the White House after the George Floyd riots than on Jan. 6.


For almost 18 months, a group of legislators has been pretending they are studying the events of Jan. 6. It seems to me that by now they could figure out what happened in those horrible hours that afternoon. If this was a serious evaluation of what happened, they would make public all the video recordings of that afternoon rather than selectively releasing only some of them.

Their real goal is to prevent Donald Trump from running again. They believe if they convict him of something, that will drive a stake through him.


Many have been criminally charged from those riots with such things as trespassing and other charges. If they did break the law, they should be charged and convicted. However, they should be treated as all others who are charged with breaking the law.

The policy is bail hearings are held. If someone is deemed not to be a danger to the public, they are released on bond. In these cases, many have been held for months with no trial – some in solitary confinement with no option of bail.

Compare that to prosecutors and judges in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and other cities. There they are letting those charged with murder and other serious crimes back on the street, usually without bond.


Across America, statues have been removed and school names have been changed that honored many of our founding fathers. Why? Because these ancestors living in a different era were human, therefore, not perfect.

I suggest that no one should have considered them perfect. They, like all of us, are human. Last year, Virginia’s community colleges started changing college names. Some had honored patriots and past presidents.


There have been many demonstrations regarding a Supreme Court ruling concerning abortions. This is occurring as if suddenly abortions will be illegal all over America!

Whatever happens, the result will be that state laws will prevail in every state. Some states will have no restrictions; others will have various restrictions.

Whatever your thoughts on abortion, shouldn’t we all be concerned that 1 in 5 pregnancies is now ending with abortion? If the United States followed most civilized countries, there would be no late term abortions, period!


While pro-abortion advocates are demonstrating in the street for the rights of some, they ignore the fact that over a dozen centers that support pregnant mothers have been seriously damaged in the last two months.


As a group, members of Congress fret over their safety. They appear to care far less about the safety of our Supreme Court justices and their families. The Justice Department, which is expected to be above politics, ignores federal laws protecting judges. Those laws were established to prevent judges from being intimidated.

We live in a strange time in history. Pray that common sense prevails.

Frank Ruff Jr. represents Charlotte in the state Senate. His email address is Sen.Ruff@verizon.net.