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Executive Order 47


Tammy Mulchi: Explaining what Executive Order 47 is

As we await further action from the Governor on legislation passed earlier this year, I would like to ...

rural lot lot size housing control bill local control

News Main

From the Editor’s Desk: Why does the Assembly hate local control?

I’m starting to think some General Assembly members enjoy the factory setting way too much. In decision after ...

Letter to the Editor Charlotte County Daniel Witt

Letters to the Editor

Tammy Mulchi: Here’s my goals for this year’s Assembly session

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas filled with love and cherished moments with family and ...

Virginia tax cut Charlotte County supervisors tax rebates


Tommy Wright: Why do some people oppose a Virginia tax cut?

The 2025 General Assembly Session will start Wednesday, Jan. 6 and Democrats have apparently learned nothing from the ...

Christmas bells


From the Editor’s Desk: Christmas bells ring out, what do you hear?

He hadn’t given permission. I mean that didn’t matter now, because Charles was gone. But it was another ...

Christmas carols Christmas wreath


Judy Moore: A History of Christmas Carols, Through the Centuries

Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and we sing carols as ...


Tammy Mulchi: Less than two weeks left

We will be less than two weeks away from the November 5 election by the time this article ...


Mike Wilson: How I spent my summer vacation

How did I spend my (late) summer vacation? Short version: In a sensorial semi-fog. Detailed version: Plan A ...


Tommy Wright: A necessary review

Late last week the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it was suing the Commonwealth, seeking to stop ...


Tammy Mulchi: An old law, a new lawsuit

As you may recall, Governor Youngkin filed Executive Order #35 in August to secure Virginia’s elections. The order ...

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