
Hurray for capitalism

In the last several years, we have heard stories about how young people don’t think that capitalism is ...


Different worlds

It used to be that when I saw the legislation that some members of the General Assembly proposed ...


For what should we be thankful

Over the last decade or so we have, as a nation, moved away from why Thanksgiving Day was ...


When elections decided representation

Once upon a time, prior to the last three years, it was accepted that the candidate that got ...


Different standards

Oh, what a difference it makes when the news media likes or dislikes a President! Think back to ...


Conserving water during drought

In light of the recent burn bans and concern about the drought we are experiencing, let’s talk about ...


Better than Santa

When growing up, we all looked forward to Christmas because we hoped and looked forward to presents from ...


Have we come so far or gone off the deep end?

Sometimes with what I see in the media about President Trump makes me feel like I’m watching “House ...


Balloons and medical care

All of us from time to time have seen someone at a park or street event blow up ...


Doing your job is job one

No matter where you work, one must understand that it is important to know what your primary responsibility ...

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