Charlotte County Ponytails take aim at World Series title

Published 2:31 am Friday, July 19, 2024

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A local 12U softball team will be competing in their Dixie World Series this weekend to cap off a successful season. The Charlotte County Ponytails of the Dixie Softball League will compete for the title this weekend in Prince George County. It’s an exciting time for the team, said head coach Billy Barton.

“Most of the girls have not made it to the World Series, so it’s been positive,” Barton said. “It’s been a really good season.”

Barton said the team has a record of 8-2 and has seen strong contributions from everyone on the team.

“Different girls contributed, and all of them have come together,” he said. “Each of the girls has contributed at different times. They’ve backed each other up.”

He especially praised his team’s tournament play. In each tournament, his team lost a game and was facing elimination when they pulled through in the next game.

“Our last game was our best game,” he said. “In our district tournament, Naomi Eppes and Jayda Tucker came through big for us. Our pitching has been strong with Mackenzie Barton and Lilly Layne. In our state tourney, Adilyn Mason led us with the bats.”

Barton, who is assisted by coaches Trent Johnson and Justin Layne, also praised the contributions of Avery Bolton, Piper Toombs, Kinley Bryant, Alayna Amos, Avarie Lipscomb, Harper Pyle and Leighton Adams.

“The girls have done well all summer,” he said. “It’s been a really good experience.”

Charlotte County Ponytails look ahead

Both of the team’s main pitchers are looking forward to being in the middle of the action during the World Series tournament. 

“I like pitching because it’s the main position on the field other than the catcher, and you get to do a lot,” said Mackenzie Barton, 13. She also plays shortstop from time to time.

“I like to spend time with my friends and have fun with them,” Mackenzie added. She’s looking forward to the World Series because her siblings have gone, and “it seems like a lot of fun,” she said.

Lilly Layne, 12, also switches between shortstop and pitcher. She also enjoys being involved in every play and enjoys striking people out.

She’s looking forward to “winning it all” at the World Series, she said.

“I think it’s a great team and the best team we’ve had so far,” she said.

Adilyn Mason, who plays first and third base, said she and all of her teammates were excited when they won their most recent game and knew they were going to the World Series.

“We were jumping up and down and slapping hands and everything,” she said. “I’m looking forward to just the experience.”